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ellesmere college leicester
green band

green band

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Provision

Ellesmere College places the provision of Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural (SMSC) development at the heart of everything we do, from our curriculum design to how we interact with our students daily.

Our ‘Personal Qualities’ exemplify the Ellesmere College ethos. Our students are taught and encouraged to demonstrate the qualities of respect, responsibility, independence, confidence, resilience and teamwork. The qualities were developed by staff alongside the student council who were able to identify the key elements of the Ellesmere ethos. 


SpiritualThe spiritual development of students is taught discretely through our PSHE and Understanding the World Curriculums, celebrating the diverse range of religions in our school community and enhanced with community trips and external visitors. Students are supported to learn about their own beliefs and identity and those of their peers. Moreover, students’ personal interests are built into all their learning to help them stay engaged and develop their strengths



moralThe moral development of students is embedded throughout the school day, using Zones of Regulation to support students to understanding their emotions and learn to manage them effectively. The use of restorative justice further supports students to understand the consequences of their actions, and to make positive contributions to their community.


SocialThe social development of students is one of the most important aspects of the curriculum and ethos at Ellesmere College. Students are supported to communicate with their peers and supporting adults with PECS books, Makaton, text to speech devices, and embedded speech and language strategies such as Attention Autism and Language for Thinking. Students are supported to learn and play with their peers productively in and out of school. There is an emphasis on accessing the local community and working towards gainful employment, as well as forming and maintaining relationships both in person and online.  



CulturalThe cultural development of students takes places formally through the Understanding the World curriculum, but it is also woven throughout students’ entire school experience. Students are provided with a wealth of musical, artistic and sporting opportunities as part of their curriculum as well as through additional experiences by external providers, and extra-curricular clubs. Friday clubs, in school time, allow all students to take part in a broad range of activities related to their interests and ambitions. The rich cultural diversity of the school community is reflected in the resources used in lessons, assemblies, and engagement with cultural festivities throughout the year.