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ellesmere college leicester
green band

green band


At Ellesmere we believe in all our students being able to reach their academic potential and demonstrating their achievements through national accreditation at an appropriate level.

At Key Stage Four, students in our Learning for Life Pathway study for accreditations in English, Maths and Duke of Edinburgh, keeping their curriculum broad and varied.

In our Key Stage 4 High Needs and our 14-19 Connecting and Responding Pathways, students work towards achievement of ASDAN courses.

At Post 16 there is a focus on the Preparation for Adulthood outcomes. Students continue to work towards qualifications in English and Maths, which are complemented by qualifications in Employability, which enable students to better prepare for the world of work.

Our accreditation pathways document shows the accreditations students in each of our academic pathways can expect to study on their journey through Key Stage Four and Post 16.